Keeping Up with Legal Technology Trends: Updated For 2022


Keeping Up with Legal Technology Trends: Updated For 2022

A solid technology stack makes running a modern law office easier, regardless of practice size. Not only do you need to stay competitive, but you also must stay compliant with the ethical and regulatory requirements in your jurisdiction — while maintaining a hybrid work environment.

For most law firms, the pandemic either exposed gaps in their tech plan or caused an acceleration of implementation. Armed with that knowledge, now is the perfect time to evaluate your on-going technology needs for your law firm and how to best address them.

Maintaining a Robust Work from Anywhere Position

Even with pandemic-based restrictions being rolled back, there’s no indication that the new “work from anywhere” option is going away. Not only will employees and attorneys appreciate the flexibility of working securely from home, more than ever you’ll need off-site access to files when working with clients in their offices. Courts will be continuing to rely on technology for filings and for presenting exhibits in the courtroom.

You need a flexible work from anywhere option that allows for attorney travel, unexpected office closures, and the new work dynamic.

Offering a Secure “Bring Your Own Device” Option

The best way to keep private data secureUntil recently, you controlled the hardware that was used to access confidential files. Now, you have staff and attorneys who have tablets, phones, and other mobile devices that they want to use for work-related purposes.

Even with all these different devices, you can still stay in control of who can access certain files and programs and create sound policies and procedures for user owned devices.

The best way to keep private data secure from breaches is to adopt a device agnostic cloud-based solution that doesn’t allow for any of the firm’s data to be stored on users’ private devices or to be accessed directly over unsecure home or public networks.

Security, Compliance, and PITR to Keep Your Data Safe

Dealing with clients’ private health information, sensitive financials, or intellectual property means that security is never an afterthought. But staying up to date on security patches and protocols can feel like a full-time job.

You know your firm needs to implement multi-factor authentication and other security measures, but you aren’t sure where to start.

take the pressure off when dealing with security requirementsPartnering with a compliance expert and cloud-based service provider can take the pressure off when dealing with security requirements.

Look for a cloud partner who:
• Owns and manages a data center that is audited annually to ensure that their security meets or exceeds industry standards
• Operates a 24/7 threat monitoring system that will detect, isolate, and report on any attacks in real time
• Creates complete replications of your data nightly and who has a built-in redundancy plan to minimize data loss in the event of a breach or interruption
• Puts multi-factor authentication in place to secure sensitive data when the firm’s data is accessed from an unauthorized network

Knowing that your work and files are backed up each night reduces overall risk and means that you can recover critical data when the inevitable happens or in the event of a localized natural disaster or other disruptive incident.

Reduce Infrastructure Costs and Improve IT Outcomes

it’s not feasibleIf your technology plan included buying new hardware, now may be the right time to consider shifting your IT costs to a cloud provider. An aging server can limit your options and slow you down. Consider the overall costs to maintain or replace your current hardware versus adopting a cloud-based solution.

A cloud-based solution is typically more reliable and cost effective than an in-house system. Plus, with onsite, you have increased IT demands. If you’re trying to practice law and handle all the IT requirements yourself, it’s not feasible. And local IT firms may not offer the help and reliability you need when you need it most.

Your Software Doesn’t Have to be Cloud Based

Changing your platforms or moving away from familiar software can be a challenge. If you’ve thought that going to the cloud wasn’t an option because your software isn’t cloud-based, today’s virtual desktop options give you all the benefits of the cloud while keeping your current programs.

Eliminate the need to buy new software or the downtime that comes with having to train the staff to use it. A virtual desktop option gives you new collaboration opportunities without the overwhelm of learning a new system.

Finding the Right Technology Partner for Your Practice Just Got Easier

eliminate the burden of law firm technology managementThe last three years probably changed the way you’ve looked at your technology and you’re ready to partner with someone who can handle all your data, compliance, and technology concerns.

At CyberlinkASP, we provide the cloud server and all the resources needed to eliminate the burden of law firm technology management. reduce the monthly costs, while improving security and efficiency.

Because your practice needs are unique, we partner you with our team of industry insiders who are experts in legal technology. We’re fully equipped to handle all your IT needs, from data security, to onboarding new users, to mapping printers, to making sure you are operating off the most up-to-date versions of your software.

Give our legal customer sales team a call today and find out how we can help you.

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